
 對地方 right place

晚餐時他提到,跟大阪外國人雇用服務中心的人聊起,對方也是住在我們住的千林這一區。也說千林商店街的蔬果便宜。想起之前買的一份3大包的它們,日幣 100(台幣30不到),份量足夠讓愛吃菜的我們2人吃3餐。之前在超市或是市中心市場逛時,那兒賣一包通常都過日幣100。看來,我們誤打誤撞,買菜也買對地方了。:-)

Temperature drop tremendously today. Yesterday high is 20º, but today only 14º. He went out alone for visa and residential info collection. When back, cold air swing into house when he open the door. Luckily we have enough sunshine shine into our house, which keep house warm despite cold outside.

During dinner time, he mentioned the the person he talk to in Osaka Employment Service center for Foreigners told him that Sembayashi market street's veggie and fruits are cheap. This make me recall the 3 packs 100yen green veggie we bought from there. The portion good enough to serve 3 meal. Look like we go to the right place again.

2014年11月13日 星期四 晴
Sunny Thursday, Nov 13, 2014


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